Professionals in technical and scientific support for Family Farming.

Family farming
IVIG developed the technical-scientific support project for the National Land Credit Program (PNCF) in the State of Rio de Janeiro. He was hired by the former Special Secretariat for Family Agriculture and Agrarian Development, currently administered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). The main objectives of the work were to evaluate the current situation of the PNCF in the state, contribute to boosting the businesses of current beneficiaries, publicize the program and motivate the entry of new participants. A multidisciplinary team of researchers, made up of professionals with experience in management, organization of information bases, communication, training and food engineering worked on this project.

Performed activities
Individualized identification of 749 PNCF beneficiaries in Rio de Janeiro and face-to-face visits to 684 properties, interviewing producers and recording information about their productive resources, activities and problems faced in a database, using geoprocessing resources for the location of each property.
Socioeconomic diagnosis of the activities of the interviewed producers and individualized guidance to improve productivity and property management.
Creation of the Family Farmer Portal (agricultorfamiliar.org), with guidance on how to obtain financing, texts and videos on best practices and guidelines for developing different crops and benefiting production.
Qualification days, with lectures on crop diversification, entrepreneurship and production improvement.
Production of notebooks with simple recipes for the processing of crops that are widespread in the state, such as cassava and bananas.
Video classes and audiovisual presentations on various topics related to family farming, with public access through the Family Farmer Portal.
Support for the resumption of the Program and encouragement for new beneficiaries to join in the State of RJ