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Marine Environment

Scientific research focusing on the environment.

Area dedicated to carrying out scientific research and environmental monitoring in coastal marine environments.  Our team carries out environmental assessment; develops studies and monitors bays, river deltas (estuarine environments), beaches, restingas, rocky shores (coastal environments) and is capable of developing a low-cost submersible prototype (R.O.V.) to support ecological projects.


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Carrying out scientific research and environmental monitoring in coastal marine environments, including beaches, restingas, rocky shores (coastal) and bays, river deltas, etc. (estuarine). Work developed by the Coastal and Estuarine Research Laboratory (LABCOEST), which operated within the IVIG facilities.

Coastal and Estuarine Research.

Performed activities

Environmental Assessment of Guanabara Bay;

Development of a low-cost submersible prototype (R.O.V.)       for support in ecological projects with activities developed with        scuba diving;

Development of a Gravity-Corer for sampling benthic macrofauna in Guanabara Bay;

Marine Environmental Monitoring of the Southern Coastal Limit of the Serra da Bocaina National Park (Trindade, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro).

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