Projects carried out
Rural Youth
Work carried out for the National Youth Secretariat – SNJ, of the Federal Government, to prepare a diagnosis and strategic actions to support the formulation of public policies for Brazilian rural youth aged between 18 and 29 years. The work was developed in partnership with the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Development – NIDES/UFRJ. The IVIG team organized and executed regional workshops with the participation of representatives from both social movements, as well as the public sphere and meetings.nions with the Working Group (GT), constituted on an equal basis between government and civil society, which also contributed to the consolidation and systematization of information.
Activities Performedto the
Identification of problems faced by rural youth, with the aim of defining a strategy for short, medium and long-term solutions;
Preparation of a diagnosis on the situation of young people in rural areas;
Production of a monitoring report on Strategic Actions on young people;
Preparation of the Digital Atlas of Brazilian Rural Youth, a spatial diagnosis that presents the scenario of Brazilian rural youth in visual format, addressing relevant topics about the condition of young people in the countryside.